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Why do dogs sniff bottoms?

SKU 9780500652022 Category


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Why do dogs play dead? How do you speak dog? Why do dogs go about in handbags? This book will help children to understand what’s so unique about a dog’s body and its behaviour and why they deserve to be well cared for. The book also profiles famous dogs from history and popular culture, including the dog-headed Egyptian god Anubis and internet sensation Boo, the cutest dog in the world (according to Google). By incorporating zoological information about the canine species with stories from history, art, religion and popular culture, Why do dogs sniff bottoms? celebrates why dogs have been such dear pets to us for centuries.

ISBN: 9780500652022
Temporarily out of stock
Price: $29.99
Title: Why do dogs sniff bottoms?

Additional information

Weight 560 g
Dimensions 300 × 230 mm
