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Sun Tzu’s classic treatise The Art of War has influenced countless generations – of men – when they find themselves on battlefields, in the office and in everyday life. On its heels comes this ‘battle-plan’ guide specifically addressed to women, at a time when their positions and roles in business and society are being reframed.
The guidelines for doing so include:
Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses
Turning disadvantages into advantages
Thinking outside the box
Being confident in yourself and visualising success
We’re living in a time when female empowerment movements have incredible momentum and exposure – from the Women’s March to Me Too, which are highlighted in the new introduction. Though framed within a different context than the current movements, this book is another great resource for helping readers to consider not only what they want to achieve, but how to make it happen. Through Sun Tzu’s time-tested tenets, Sun Tzu’s Art of War for Women helps women tap into their inner reserves, unleash their hidden strengths and find professional and personal fulfilment.
ISBN: 9780804852005
Author: HUANG, C.
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Price: $21.99
Title: Sun Tzu’s Art of War for Women: Strategies for Winning without Conflict: Revised with a New Introduction
Dimensions | 203 × 130 mm |
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