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Reading the Signs

SKU 9781988595313 Category


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The poems in Janis Freegard’s new collection take their starting point from the poet’s daily ritual of reading the tea leaves while writing in the Ema Saiko room in the Wairarapa. This leads to unexpected discoveries about the world around her, from spider visitors to the writing room and a papyrus-fine gecko skin in the nearby wildlife sanctuary, to news of the ancient bdelloid rotifers that defy natural disasters and the recently extinct amphibians that did not. Then a gender- and species-fluid interpreter
turns up to help the poet work her way through the daily revelations in her tea cup …

Reading the Signs is a series of linked poems that are thoughtful and humorous, provocative and tender, and
come together as a quiet epic about a planet that is fast running out of puff.

ISBN: 9781988595313
Temporarily out of stock
Price: $25.00
Title: Reading the Signs

Additional information

Dimensions 224 × 164 mm
