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Diary of an Invasion

SKU 9781914495915 Categories ,


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ANDREY KURKOV, the author of Death and the Penguin has been aconsistent satirical commentator on his adopted country of Ukraine.His most recent work, Grey Bees, is a dark foreshadowing of thedevastation in the eastern part of Ukraine in which only two villagersremain in a village bombed to smithereens.

The author has lived in Kyiv and in the remote countryside of Ukrainethroughout the Russian invasion. He has also been able to fly toEuropean capitals where he has been working to raise money forcharities and to address crowded halls. Kurkov has been asked towrite for every English newspaper, as also to be interviewed all overEurope. He has become an important voice for his people.

Kurkov sees every video and every posted message, and he spendsthe sleepless nights of continuous bombardment of his city deliveringthe truth about this invasion to the world.

ISBN: 9781914495915
Temporarily out of stock
Price: $36.99
Title: Diary of an Invasion

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 153 mm
