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Collins English Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus

SKU 9780008141790 Category


2 in stock

The home of trusted English dictionaries and thesauruses for everyday language use.

Two books in one with all the words you need at your fingertips. With matching dictionary and thesaurus entries on the same page, you’ll never be stuck for words again!
This Dictionary and Thesaurus is easy on the eye and will help you find all the words, definitions and alternatives you need – and fast.

Clear, straightforward definitions reflect today’s language, while the matching thesaurus entries provide a generous choice of synonyms and antonyms.

And you can always rely on Collins to provide you with today’s English as all our words, definitions, examples, idioms and usage notes are based on our unrivalled language monitoring programme.

ISBN: 9780008141790
Available stock: 2
Price: $26.99
Title: Collins English Pocket Dictionary and Thesaurus

Additional information

Weight 480 g
Dimensions 151 × 108 mm
