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Babysitters Club Kirsty and the Mother’s Day Surprise

SKU 9781338815030 Category


3 in stock

Mother’s Day is coming up, and the Baby-sitters have the same problem they do every year: What do they get their mothers? Kristy, especially, wants to do something nice for her mum. Mrs Brewer has been acting kind of strange and secretive lately, and Kristy’s worried about her. But then Kristy gets another one of her great ideas. Why don’t the Baby-Sitters treat their mums – and the mothers of the kids they sit for – to a day off without any kids around? Together with Stacey, the Baby-sitters plan a gigantic baby-sitting party. It’s a Mother’s Day surprise that couldn’t be beaten … until … Kristy’s mum reveals a very special surprise of her own.

ISBN: 9781338815030
Available stock: 3
Price: $17.99
Title: Babysitters Club Kirsty and the Mother’s Day Surprise

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